Client News

March Full Moon

The Full Moon of march brings us around again from the time of rest to the start of new growth. We are seeing the first signs of Spring all around us. It’s time to start planting the seeds of our OWN growth for the coming year. We are each the designers and caretakers of our own garden. It’s time to clear away the weeds and start planting! Go out and tap into the power and “light” of this beautiful Full Moon of March, to give what you want to achieve, and grow, a great jump start! Spend some time in the light of the moon to give thought to the areas of your life that need the most work, and concentrate on planting “seeds” for positive change.

Take your “planting” to a whole new level….

Sit under the Full Moon with a handful of seeds. Take a moment in the quiet radiant light to focus on what you want to achieve in the coming year. Think of the seeds in your hands as being strong, vibrant and alive. Visualize the green shoots peeking out at you, getting stronger and healthier each day…See yourself succeeding at the goals you have set forth.

Then simply ask the Moon Goddess for her blessing and assistance….

 Blessing of the Seeds

Under this moon so full and bright
I sit under the Lady’s light
Love, and warmth and energy
To set the seeds within me free
Bless these seeds that I’ll soon sow
Make them strong so they might grow
Full of magick, full of power
Bless them in this moonlit hour
Earth and Water, Air and Fire
Grant us that which we desire
As above and as below
Bless these seeds and help them grow
-So mote it Be-